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Maintaining Optimal pH Levels for Healthy Danio rerio

Maintaining Optimal pH Levels for Healthy Danio rerio. Danio rerio, commonly known as Zebrafish, is a leading New Alternative Model (NAM)  widely used in biomedical research. Their unique physiological characteristics, including genetic similarity to humans and transparent embryos, make them invaluable for Drug Discovery and Development, human disease research, developmental studies, and toxicology assays. 

The Spectrum of Colors in Danio Fish: A Visual Guide

Zebrafish, also known as Danio rerio, has captivated researchers and aquarists alike with its vibrant color patterns and genetic tractability. Among vertebrates, Zebrafish exhibit one of the most striking pigment patterns, making them a model organism for studying the genetic and cellular mechanisms underlying Danio fish pigmentation and color changes.

Understanding Danio rerio Temperature Needs

Danio rerio, commonly known as Zebrafish, is widely used as a New Alternative Model (NAM) in scientific research due to their genetic similarities to humans and their ease of maintenance in laboratory settings. 

What to know about Danio Rerio?

Danio rerio, commonly known as Zebrafish, is a small freshwater fish that has gained significant prominence as a New Alternative Model (NAM) for in vivo research, rivaling traditional animal models like rodents. This species offers a unique combination of characteristics that make it indispensable for developmental biology, genetics, and beyond.

The Use of Animal Testing in Medical Research

Animal testing has always played a crucial role in biomedical research and in Drug Discovery and Development, providing important insights that have led to significant medical advancements. Despite the controversies surrounding its ethical implications, animal testing remains the groundwork of every life sciences investigation practice due to the exceptional insights it provides. 


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