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Implementation of Zebrafish Ontologies for Toxicology Screening
Anne E. Thessen, Skylar Marvel, J. C. Achenbach, Stephan Fischer, Melissa A. Haendel, Kimberly Hayward, Nils Klüver, Sarah Könemann, Jessica Legradi, Pamela Lein, Connor Leong, J. Erik Mylroie, Stephanie Padilla, Dante Perone, Antonio Planchart
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Computational approach for collection and prediction of molecular initiating events in developmental toxicity
Cendoya, X., Quevedo, C., Ipinazar, M., Planes, F.J. Reprod. Toxicol. 94, 55-64. 2020.
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Alternatives to Animal Use in Risk Assessment of Mixtures
Hayes, A.W., Muriana, A., Alzualde, A., Bacardi Fernandez, A., Iskandar, A., Peitsch, M.C., Kuczaj, A., Hoeng, J. Intern. J. of Toxicol. 2020
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Use of Zebrafish in Drug Discovery Toxicology
Cassar, S., Adatto I., Freeman, J.L., Gamse, J.T, Iturria, I., Lawrence, C., Muriana, A., Peterson, R.T., Van Cruchten, S., Zon, L. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2019.
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Detection and Prioritization of Developmentally Neurotoxic and/or Neurotoxic Compounds Using Zebrafish
Quevedo C., Behl M., Ryan K., Paules R.S., Alday A., Muriana A., Alzualde A. Toxicol Sci., kfy291. 2018.
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Automated morphological feature assessment for zebrafish embryo developmental toxicity screens
Teixido E., Kießling TR., Krupp E., Quevedo C., Muriana A., Scholz S. J. Toxicol. Sci., kfy250. 2018.
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Toxicity profiling of flame retardants in zebrafish embryos using a battery of assays for developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity toward human relevance.
Alzualde A., Behl M., Sipes NS., Hsieh JH., Alday A., Tyce RR., Paules R., Muriana A., Quevedo C. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 70, 40-50. 2018.
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Zebrafish as screening model for detecting toxicity
Zebrafish as screening model for detecting toxicity and drugs efficacy. Caballero, M.V., Candiracci, M. J Unexplored Med Data. 3, 4. 2018.
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Transcriptional and Behavioral Responses of Zebrafish Larvae to Microcystin-LR Exposure
Tzima E, Serifi I, Tsikari I, Alzualde A, Leonardos I and Papamarcaki T. Int. J. Mol. Sci 18(2), 365. 2017.
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Open Source Drug Discovery with the Malaria Box Compound Collection for Neglected Diseases and Beyond
Van Voorhis WC, Adams JH, Adelfio R, Ahyong V, Akabas MH, Alano P, Alzualde A, Muriana, A. et al. PLoS Pathog 12(7). 2016.
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Targeted identification of sialo-glycoproteins in hypoxic endothelial cells and validation in zebrafish reveals roles for proteins in angiogenesis
Delcourt N., Quevedo C., Nonne C., Fons P., O’Brien D., Loyaux D., Diez M., Autelitano F., Guillemot J-C., Ferrara P., Muriana A., Callol C., Hérault J-P., Herbert J-M., Favre G. and Bono F. JBC. February 2015.
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Ionic channels underlying the ventricular action potential in zebrafish embryo
Alday, A., Alonso, H., Gallego, M., Urrutia, J., Letamendia, A., Callol, C., Casis, O. Pharmacol. Res. 84, 26-31. 2014.-
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Development and validation of an automated high-throughput system for zebrafish in vivo screenings
Letamendia A., Quevedo C., Ibarbia I., Virto JM., Holgado O., Diez M., Izpisua-Belmonte JC., Callol C. PLoS One. 2012.
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Xenografts in zebrafish embryos as a rapid functional assay for breast cancer stem-like cell identification
Eguiara A., Holgado O., Beloqui I., Abalde L., Sanchez Y., Callol C., Martin AG. Cell Cycle. 2011.
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Identification of phosphorylase kinase as a novel therapeutic target through
Camus S., Quevedo C., Menéndez S., Paramonov I., Stouten PF., Janssen RA., Rueb S., He S., Snaar-Jagalska BE., Laricchia-Robbio L., Izpisua Belmonte JC. Oncogene. 2011.
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Comparison of Segmentation Algorithms for the Zebrafish Heart in Fluorescent Microscopy Images
Krämer P. F. Boto, D. Wald, F. Bessy, C. Paloc, C. Callol, A. Letamendia, I. Ibarbia, O. Holgado, J. M. Virto. Advances in Visual Computing. 2009.
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A New Method for Detection and Quantification of Heartbeat Parameters in Zebrafish
Fink M., Callol-Massot C., Chu A., Ruiz-Lozano P., Izpisua Belmonte JC., Giles W., Bodmer R., Ocorr K.Biotechniques. 2009.
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